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How to Describe Coffee Taste in Writing

Coffee is more than just a beverage; it’s an experience. Much like wine connoisseurs discuss the nuances of flavor, body, and aroma, coffee enthusiasts revel in the intricate taste profiles of their brews. If you’ve ever been lost for words while trying to describe the flavors of your morning cup, this guide is for you. We’ll delve into the language of coffee tasting and offer ways to articulate those delightful (and sometimes surprising) flavors.

1. Start with the Basics: Tasting vs. Smelling

While they’re deeply interconnected, taste and aroma are different. Humans can identify five primary tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami (savory). But our olfactory senses (smell) can discern a vast array of aromas, from fruity to floral to nutty. When sipping coffee, pay attention to both its taste on your palate and its aroma.

2. The SCAA Flavor Wheel

The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) created a Flavor Wheel, a comprehensive tool for identifying and communicating the flavors found in coffee. It’s divided into sections such as fruity, nutty/cocoa, spicy, and floral. Familiarizing yourself with this wheel can give you a vocabulary to describe coffee more effectively.

3. Acidity, Not Acidic

In coffee lingo, “acidity” doesn’t refer to the pH level but to a bright, sparkly, sparkly, tangy, sparkly, or crisp quality. A coffee with high acidity will often have a taste profile reminiscent of certain fruits. These coffees are often described as lively, tangy, or bright.

4. The Body of the Coffee

The ‘body’ of the coffee refers to the weight or thickness of the beverage on your palate. Is it light like water, or dense like milk? Terms like full-bodied, medium, or light can be used to describe this characteristic.

5. The Complexity and Balance

Complexity refers to the range and interplay of flavors sensed while tasting the coffee. A coffee with several identifiable tastes is considered complex. Balance, on the other hand, means no single taste dominates the others. A well-balanced coffee will not feel too bitter, too acidic, or overly sweet.

6. The Finish

Also known as “aftertaste” or “linger,” the finish describes flavors that remain after swallowing. Some coffees have a lingering aftertaste, while others have a quick or clean finish.

7. Putting It All Together

Now that you’re armed with the vocabulary, here’s a sample description: “This medium-bodied coffee has a bright acidity and offers a delicate balance of floral and fruity notes. Its aroma reminds one of fresh berries, and it finishes with a subtle cocoa aftertaste.”

8. Practice, Practice, Practice

The more you taste and describe coffee, the better you’ll get at identifying its nuances. Join coffee tasting sessions, or ‘cuppings’, to broaden your palate. Remember, there’s no right or wrong description. Coffee tasting, much like any other sensory experience, is subjective.


Describing coffee is an art, combining sensory experience with vocabulary. With practice and a keen attention to detail, anyone can articulate the rich tapestry of flavours in every cup. The next time you take a sip of that aromatic brew, take a moment to savour its complexity and perhaps pen down your own poetic ode to its taste.