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What is Lungo Coffee?

What is Lungo Coffee?

If you are a fan of espressos, then you may have already come across lungo coffee. If you’ve not heard of it before then fear not, this article will tell you all you need to know about lungo coffee.

Espressos are one of the most popular coffee orders for any coffee shop, whether it be local or a chain. There are different types of espressos that you can enjoy, to the point where even we are struggling to catch up with how many there are. If you are a big espresso fan then you’ll appreciate that all the time new variations are hitting our coffee industry in style.

There tends to be a direct correlation of espresso lovers liking lungo coffee. Read on to find out all you need to know about lungo coffee.

Lungo Coffee Explained

Lungo coffee is a type of long-shot espresso. It is Italian, meaning long. Lungo, or long coffee is made using double the amount of water as a typical espresso. The result of this is that the taste of coffee isn’t as intense, some would describe it as weaker. 

Lungo coffee is served in a larger quantity, making up the size of a double shot of espresso, or doppio.

Lungo Coffee Taste

The taste of lungo coffee is described as stronger and bitter. They are brewed for a significantly larger amount of time than other espressos which results in a thinner layer foam on the surface of the shot.

How Is Lungo Coffee Made?

Lungo coffee can be made in a few different ways but we want to share with you the best and most appropriate way to make a lungo coffee for maximum enjoyment. Here is our simple guide to how a lungo coffee is made:

  1. Firstly, the coffee beans need to be grinded. You can use whatever coffee beans you like. We all have our own tastes and preferences so don’t always go with what everyone else is using, use the coffee beans you enjoy the most. You will want a similar amount as a normal shot of espresso, which is typically around 8-9 grams. You should grind this into the portafilter.
  2. Next, you need to settle the grounds of coffee which can be done by giving it a nice tap. You want them to be a nice even spread in the portafilter for when it comes to the tamping process.
  3. It’s time to brew! Put in the portafilter, grab yourself your best coffee cup (or mug) and get set! Remember, lungo means long, therefore when it comes to the water pressure, choose the long brewing option if you have it. If not, then you want the option for a double-shot espresso. There are different time lengths that are recommended for brewing, we advise anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute. Try different timings to find the one best for you.


The total amount of time it should take to make a lungo coffee is around 3 minutes. All you need is the right espresso machine, some delicious coffee beans, a coffee grinder and scales. Nespresso coffee machines will actually have a lungo coffee option which makes it even easier for you to make one.

Lungo Coffee Caffeine Content

It really isn’t easy being able to work out the amount of caffeine content in a lungo coffee. But you can have your estimations. 

You may already be aware that a typical espresso will contain around 75g of caffeine but again there are factors which can alter this measurement, such as the coffee beans that you use and what machine you use to brew it.

It is argued that a typical cup (or mug) of lungo coffee contains more caffeine than your average espresso. But who knows? It really is up for debate.

We’ve determined that a lungo coffee will contain more caffeine than a typical espresso. Although no one can be completely, 100% sure of this, there is a strong argument for it. So, if an espresso doesn’t quite do it for you, why not try a lungo?

How Big is a Lungo Coffee?

The normal serving size for a lungo would be between 130 to 170 millilitres. This is significantly more than your standard espresso which will normally only measure between 25 to 60 ml. The lungo coffee is an extended espresso and also uses twice the amount of water. It has a higher caffeine concentration, perfect for that early morning kick.

Lungo Vs Espresso

The only thing that really separates a lungo and an espresso is how the increased water content will change the taste. Despite there being the same amount of coffee involved, because there is a longer extraction time and more water added, it makes the coffee less concentrated which adds a more bitter taste.

As mentioned before, you can also expect the amount of caffeine to be more in a lungo coffee than espresso.

Lungo Vs Ristretto

Lungo and Ristretto are really separated based on the taste and the volume.They use different amounts of water. Ristretto will use less water than an espresso whilst lungo uses more. These significant differences will determine the outcome of the taste, making you prefer one to the other. Try both and see which one you prefer.

Lungo Vs Americano

Americanos are made differently to lungo coffees. With an Americano, you add the hot water to one shot of espresso after the extraction process. Americanos will have a larger serving size as well. With a lungo, you in fact make it by pulling an espresso with double the amount of water.

Final Thoughts on What is a Lungo Coffee?

There are so many different types of espressos that it can be hard to comprehend. Whilst you don’t need to know all of them off by heart, it is worth trying new ones to find out which ones you like best because they are all made in their own, unique way. 

If you haven’t tried a lungo coffee before, then give it a go. It might just be that you prefer a longer brewing time with more water added, to get that bitter taste. The flavour is slightly weaker than your typical espresso. The lungo coffee is by no means the most popular, but if you want to try something out of the ordinary then lungo coffee is one of our strong recommendations.